Guide the Organization

ASM has several leadership bodies that support, promote and shape the future of the microbial sciences: Learn more about these bodies from ASM's governance documents

Are you, or someone you know, interested in steering the future of your Society? The call for nominations is open for the positions below.  We highly encourage a large of nominations from individuals interested and willing to serve in these key positions.  

We welcome members to nominate a fellow ASM member for these positions using the nomination form.

If you have any questions please reach out to ASM Governance at

Open Positions

We currently do not have any open positions at this time. However, we encourage you to check back periodically throughout the year for future opportunities. Thank you for your interest.


Currently Closed

ASM Press, Chair

ASM Press invites applications for Chair, ASM Press Committee. 

The ASM Press Committee oversees the quality of scientific and editorial content across ASM books and related digital products, ensuring our publications serve scientists, faculty, trainees, and students effectively. 

We are looking for individuals with broad expertise in microbiology to join our team of 7–12 volunteer committee members. While all areas of expertise are welcome, we are particularly interested in applicants with experience in clinical, food, and environmental microbiology; virology; and physiology. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Generate ideas for new publications, authors and editors for ASM Press. 
  • Evaluate the content and suitability of ASM Press book proposals. 
  • Serve as an ambassador for ASM Press. 
  • Demonstrate a passion for book publications and a commitment to the success of ASM Press. 


  • Term: 3 years, eligible for renewal once, beginning July 1, 2025. 
  • Meetings: Virtual meetings twice per year, with additional ad hoc time throughout the year for reviewing proposals/book concepts based on content expertise. 


The ideal candidate would be mid-career or senior-career professionals (e.g., associate or full professor level, or equivalent, in any sector including academic, government, and private).with primary interest or interdisciplinary studies within the microbial sciences. 

The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society's Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required. 

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application.  After the close of the call for applications, the ASM Press Team will review applications using a series of criteria will identify the finalists. The ASM Press Committee Chair will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval. 


ASM Press, Member

ASM Press invites applications to join the ASM Press Committee. There are four positions available.

The ASM Press Committee oversees the quality of scientific and editorial content across ASM books and related digital products, ensuring our publications serve scientists, faculty, trainees, and students effectively. 

We are looking for individuals with broad expertise in microbiology to join our team of 7–12 volunteer committee members. While all areas of expertise are welcome, we are particularly interested in applicants with experience in clinical, food, and environmental microbiology; virology; and physiology. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Generate ideas for new publications, authors and editors for ASM Press. 
  • Evaluate the content and suitability of ASM Press book proposals. 
  • Serve as an ambassador for ASM Press. 
  • Demonstrate a passion for book publications and a commitment to the success of ASM Press. 


  • Term: 3 years, eligible for renewal once, beginning July 1, 2025. 
  • Meetings: Virtual meetings twice per year, with additional ad hoc time throughout the year for reviewing proposals/book concepts based on content expertise. 


The ideal candidate would be mid-career or senior-career professionals (e.g., associate or full professor level, or equivalent, in any sector including academic, government, and private).with primary interest or interdisciplinary studies within the microbial sciences. 

The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society's Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required. 

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application.  After the close of the call for applications, the ASM Press Team will review applications using a series of criteria will identify the finalists. The ASM Press Committee Chair will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval. 


Ethics Committee Member
The Ethics Committee focuses on issues surrounding scientific, research and professional misconduct. It oversees matters involving members’ or nonmember affiliates’ noncompliance with the Society’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. The Ethics Committee provides support to ASM programs to ensure that ethics concerns across the Society are handled in a consistent manner. Further, the committee ensures that ASM is advised to the best ethics practices within the scientific community.  


  • The Ethics Committee meets approximately once per quarter. The committee will also convene as needed to adjudicate ethics cases. The committee will also convene as needed to adjudicate ethics cases.
  • Committee members serve for 3 years, renewable once.
  • ~ 15-25 hours annually.

Responsibilities and Expectations:

  • As directed by the ASM Board of Directors (BOD), the committee will be the authoritative body in resolution of issues relating to science ethics, misconduct and harassment. This committee of the board also ensures accountability for ethics matters involving members or nonmember affiliates. If an ASM staff member is found to be in violation, the ASM Headquarters Employment Policies will be followed; this is distinct from the Ethics Review Process for ASM members and volunteers.  

  • Review ethics case materials, participate fully in case discussions and follow up materials. Review annual Ethics Committee report. 


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM Membership is required. 
Applicants should have demonstrated experience and expertise with scientific research and publishing ethics, along with a deep understanding of scientific methodology and rigor. For example: academic or other appointments (e.g. institutional ethics panels, committees, review boards, etc.), teaching responsible conduct in research (RCR) courses, publications on scientific and/or research ethics, other relevant professional recognition. Additionally, successful applicants will have a deep knowledge of current ethical issues in science, engineering and education in order to identify problems and recommend solutions, exhibiting sound judgement and ability to maintain confidentiality. 

Application/Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application.  After the close of the call for applications, the ASM Ethics Team will review applications using a series of criteria to identify the finalists. The ASM Ethics Committee Chair will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval. 


Public and Scientific Affairs Committee (PSAC) Chair

The Public and Scientific Affairs Committee has opened applications for the role of Chair. PSAC Committee members work in strong partnership with ASM staff and the CEO to provide scientific and subject matter expertise on public policies that affect and are affected by the microbial sciences. Through this collaboration, the committee works to advance public policy in association with government officials—including legislators, key decision-makers and stakeholder organizations as needed.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • The primary mission of PSAC is to guide ASM's efforts to inform and influence public policy using the full breadth of the microbial sciences. Members of PSAC support the committee's mission through active communication and engagement with the policy process. This involves staying current with policy and organizational updates and participating in committee projects where applicable. Ideal committee members exhibit interest in public policy and the advancement of the profession, with an ability to provide perspective beyond their specific field of study. Members should have the ability to motivate and persuade others, a willingness to work in collaboration with other committee members and ASM staff, an aptitude for situational self-awareness and an open mind to differing perspectives and opinions.
  • PSAC holds occasional calls to update members on developments and activities. These calls are typically no longer than 1 to 2 hours.
  • Committee members are invited and empowered to provide their scientific expertise and share their professional experience wherever appropriate. This includes joining in ASM Hill Days and other meetings with legislators.


  • The PSAC Chair serves for a term of three years.
  • The committee has 2 day-long yearly meetings, one in-person in Washington DC in conjunction with visits to Capitol Hill, the other via videoconference. Additional correspondence is conducted by e-mail and conference calls, as needed, throughout the calendar year to address issues that arise between meetings of the full committee.
  • Committee members are asked to review biweekly news updates and participate, when appropriate, in Advocacy Action Alerts; this will likely require approximately two hours every month. Members are asked at times to volunteer for ad hoc projects (document review, forging connections with policy-minded colleagues, participation in briefings for ASM members or policymakers) that may require a longer time commitment.  
  • The Chair must make a reasonable effort to engage in ASM advocacy and policy activities and encourage fellow committee members to follow suit, including committee discussions, policy guidance, and policymaker engagement, as expertise and time allow.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus, or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required.

The incumbent must have a history of ASM volunteer leadership and/or experience as a policy leader with ASM or similar organization.

The committee seeks to represent various scientific areas and career levels. Members must be able to think about public policy as it pertains to microbiology and the various scientific disciplines that comprise the field.

Application/Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application.  After the close of the call for applications, the ASM PSAC Team will review applications using a series of criteria to identify the finalists. The ASM PSAC Committee Chair will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval. 

Public and Scientific Affairs Committee (PSAC) Member

The Public and Scientific Affairs Committee has opened applications for the role of member. PSAC Committee members work in strong partnership with ASM staff and the CEO to provide scientific and subject matter expertise on public policies that affect and are affected by the microbial sciences. Through this collaboration, the committee works to advance public policy in association with government officials—including legislators, key decision-makers and stakeholder organizations as needed.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • The primary mission of PSAC is to guide ASM's efforts to inform and influence public policy using the full breadth of the microbial sciences. Members of PSAC support the committee's mission through active communication and engagement with the policy process. This involves staying current with policy and organizational updates and participating in committee projects where applicable. Ideal committee members exhibit interest in public policy and the advancement of the profession, with an ability to provide perspective beyond their specific field of study. Members should have the ability to motivate and persuade others, a willingness to work in collaboration with other committee members and ASM staff, an aptitude for situational self-awareness and an open mind to differing perspectives and opinions.
  • The committee meets semiannually. These meetings occur over the course of a single day, and they typically occur in March or April and in September or October.
  • PSAC holds occasional calls to update members on developments and activities. These calls are typically no longer than 1 to 2 hours.
  • Committee members are invited and empowered to provide their scientific expertise and share their professional experience wherever appropriate. This includes joining in ASM Hill Days and other meetings with legislators.


  • The PSAC member serves for a minimum of three years with the possibility of performing a second, three-year term.
  • The committee has 2 day-long yearly meetings, one in-person in Washington DC in conjunction with visits to Capitol Hill, the other via videoconference. Additional correspondence is conducted by e-mail and conference calls, as needed, throughout the calendar year to address issues that arise between meetings of the full committee.
  • Committee members are asked to review biweekly news updates and participate, when appropriate, in Advocacy Action Alerts; this will likely require approximately two hours every month. Members are asked at times to volunteer for ad hoc projects (document review, forging connections with policy-minded colleagues, participation in briefings for ASM members or policymakers) that may require a longer time commitment.  
  • Must make a reasonable effort to engage in ASM advocacy and policy activities, including committee discussions, policy guidance, and policymaker engagement, as expertise and time allow.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus, or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required.

The committee seeks to represent various scientific areas and career levels. Members must be able to think about public policy as it pertains to microbiology and the various scientific disciplines that comprise the field.

Application/Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application.  After the close of the call for applications, the ASM PSAC Team will review applications using a series of criteria to identify the finalists. The ASM PSAC Committee Chair will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval. 

Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS), Vice Chair

The Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS) is currently recruiting aVice Chair to join on July 1. The PDS develops and promotes educational material for the clinical microbiology community.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Attend and actively contribute in occasional virtual meetings.
  • Identify educational topics of interest for the clinical laboratory.
  • Contribute to the development of a webinar series - identify topics and speakers and create a series summary.
  • Moderate live webinars.
  • Review and discuss additional educational opportunities proposed by ASM members. 
  • Develop case studies and webinar series proposals with other PDS members. 
  • Contribute to the monthly clinical case study series - identify speakers and topics and create a short case summary for the ASM website.


  • Three-year term beginning July 1, 2025.



The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.
  • ABMM Diplomate
  • Mid-to-Senior level professional (with >5 years of clinical/public health microbiology experience).
  • Current/Previous service on PDS subcommittee or experience with mentorship or career development programming.
  • Industry members ineligible.

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications.  The finalists will be presented to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval.

Membership Committee Member

The ASM Membership Committee is a Program Committee that establishes sub-committees and ad-hoc sub-committees or taskforces to assist in fulfilling the programmatic activities set forth in its mission. The membership committee supports the Society’s objective for the promotion of scientific knowledge through membership activities. The membership committee strengthens member recruitment and retention through communication, engagement and the enhancement of the value of membership in the Society.

ASM Membership Committee members will be responsible for the following:

  • Promoting membership growth among new audiences.
  • Encouraging ASM membership on local and national level.
  • Fostering the formation of new membership benefits, products and services.
  • Attending ASM Membership Committee meetings, virtual and in-person, and responding to requests for input and any planning sessions.
  • Serving as a sounding board for the ASM Membership Committee Chair and advising the chair on issues related to the development or discontinuation of membership components, products or services.


  • Three-year term, renewable once.
  • Strong commitment to and energy to support ASM, the membership committee and its core mission.
  • The committee will hold at least 1 meeting each year. Additional meetings may be held as needed.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Demonstrated interest in the ASM and its programs.
  • Understanding of the membership goals.
  • Ability to distinguish between the responsibilities of governance and management.
  • High ethical standards.
  • No possible conflicts of interest .
  • Excellent professional reputation among peers.
  • Ability and willingness to participate in committee’s programs and meetings.
  • Excellent communication skills, both interpersonal& and in meetings.
  • Ability to work cooperatively as a team member.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Established scientist who has demonstrated a high level of productivity with a distinguished record of contributions as a recognized leader in the microbiology community. Preferred prior experience serving on a committee for ASM or another scientific society.

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The ASM Membership Committee will present the finalist to the ASM Nominating and Appointments Committee for review. The finalist will then be presented to the ASM Board of Directors for approval.

ASM Health Chair

ASM is currently seeking a visionary volunteer to serve as the inaugural Chair of ASM Health, a key component of the ASM Strategic Roadmap. The ASM Health Chair will play a leadership role in setting the scientific direction and priorities in the areas covered by the ASM Health scientific unit, in close partnership with the full-time staff Scientific Director. View the  full position description.

The ASM Health Chair will oversee efforts to identify opportunities in emerging areas at the intersection of health and microbiology, providing strategic direction to help ASM shape the future of the microbial sciences. The guiding beacon of the ASM Health Chair will be to empower ASM members and stakeholders to concretely and actively define and shape the future of the field in areas that the ASM Health scientific unit chooses to prioritize. These may or may not be the specific areas of expertise of the Chair; hence, it is essential that the Chair be an accomplished individual with broad views and vision for the future of all the microbial sciences.

Source: American Society for Microbiology.



The ideal candidate will be a recognized expert in their field, demonstrating a strong commitment to lead this initiative. To acknowledge the significant time dedicated to this crucial leadership role, the volunteer Chair will receive a stipend. The ASM Health Chair position is a single, 3-year term, with the possibility of 1 renewal. The term will begin on Jan. 1, 2025.

Responsibilities and Expectations

Prioritization and Strategic Development

  • Work in collaboration with the ASM Health Director and an advisory council to identify and prioritize scientific objectives within the health-related microbial sciences laying the foundation for ASM’s efforts to propel the field forward within ASM's strategic framework.
  • Leverage deep and expansive knowledge of microbial sciences to provide guidance and direction on scientific trends, ensuring alignment with organizational priorities to identify scientific gaps, remove roadblocks and propose concrete solutions.
  • Provide direction on ways to enhance ASM’s global health actions.


  • Possess an ability to chair a scientific advisory council with broad scientific interests and bring people of differing viewpoints together to advance a shared vision.
  • Forge strategic relationships and collaborations with key stakeholders, not only within the ASM membership, but also with external, multidisciplinary research communities, industry partners, government agencies and global organizations.
  • Reach beyond microbiology by identifying and capitalizing on opportunities for collaboration with non-traditional partners and audiences.

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Effectively and concretely shape the future of the field, beyond what can be done by ASM alone. Bringing others along and forging partnerships that drive impact and sustainability are key to success.
  • Identify and engage a scientific team, providing leadership that ensures alignment with organizational goals.
  • Foster engagement within the community by empowering team members to contribute their expertise and perspectives toward collective objectives.


  • A passion for making an impact by defining what the future of the field should be.
  • A team player who, first and foremost, will tap all talent and expertise they can find to advance the field by interacting constructively and in close partnership with other volunteers and staff.
  • A visionary, well-respected scientific leader within the microbial sciences community who has deep knowledge of health-related trends, opportunities and gaps in the field.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to distill complex information for varied audiences.
  • Strong network within the scientific community and ability to leverage the expertise of the network.
  • Demonstrated leadership in developing strategic relationships and collaborations with industry, government, academia and other stakeholders.
  • Proven track record of identifying and prioritizing key scientific initiatives amidst competing demands, with a keen ability to sift through complex and varied scientific discourse and information and distill information to identify emerging trends, opportunities and gaps in the field, with a goal of driving ASM's scientific direction.
  • Team player who understands and will work well with deep and well-rounded partnerships with the Scientific Director and ASM staff.
  • Understands and lives the ASM IDEAA principles and ASM values.


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications will be reviewed by the ASM Health Search Committee, chaired by President-Elect, Alex McAdam, M.D., Ph.D. Finalists will be asked to hold an interview with members of the search committee. The ASM Board of Directors will approve the recommendation from the search committee. We are now accepting applications as well as nominations of ASM members. If you would like to apply, or you would like to nominate another ASM member for this position, please follow the prompts below.

The President-Elect provides secondary leadership for the Society, substitutes for the President when needed and prepares to serve as President. As President, the function is of chairing the ASM Board of Directors (Board), providing leadership in partnership with the CEO. The Board also is ultimately responsible for approving all legal, financial and governance matters. The President also serves as Chair of the Executive Committee. View the  full position description, including descriptions for President and Past President, as well as the President-Elect.  


The President-Elect serves a single 1-year term and continues to the role of President for 1 year and, after that, to the position of Past-President, performing a total of 3 years of service for the Board. The entirety of the Board of Directors meets 3 times annually.  
The President-Elect role provides an extraordinary opportunity to transition to leadership and prepare in advance for effective governance. In addition, the Board President and Past President will ensure a clear understanding of Board leadership's expectations, as this will be critical when it comes to the Board's overall culture and continued engagement.  

A commitment to ASM and willingness to represent and promote the Society, without regard to professional discipline, practice or interest, and to put the Society's interests first is needed. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

The President-Elect shall assist the President, shall be a voting member of the BOD,  a member of the Executive Committee and shall substitute for the President in the absence of the President. Serving as the President-Elect generally offers support for the Board President and other leadership when needed. In addition, the President-Elect plays a pivotal role in understanding Board dynamics, governance  and leadership, learning from those with experience and being available to step up when needed. 
The President-Elect is expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings, as needed.  
The President-Elect is expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  

The President should have a high level of conduct and perform their duties in an exemplary fashion, commensurate with the position of leadership that has been bestowed upon them. Based on the D.C. Code of Law, the Board President must abide by the legal duties of care, loyalty and obedience pertaining to the role as President of ASM.


The Board President role provides an extraordinary opportunity for an individual passionate about the success of ASM's beneficiaries and who has a track record of Board leadership. The selected Board President will have achieved leadership stature in business, government, philanthropy or the non-profit sector. In addition, their accomplishments will allow them to attract other well-qualified, high-performing board members.

The ASM Board President-Elect/President should ideally have the following experience and background:
  • A commitment to and understanding of ASM's mission, preferably based on experience as a Board Director.
  • Savvy, diplomatic skills and a natural affinity for cultivating relationships and persuading.
  • Convening, facilitating and building consensus among diverse individuals.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, coupled with a natural affinity for public speaking.
  • Personal qualities of integrity, credibility and a passion for the sciences.
  • Experience directing and guiding a variety of activities found in a progressive organization.
  • Is broadly representative of the microbial sciences and the various components of the Society in all its scientific, ethnic, gender, cultural and geographical components.
  • Interest and commitment to leadership, governance and oversight of ASM.


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus  or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating and Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating and Appointments Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election.

At-Large Board Director
At-Large Board Directors provide strategic direction to the Society. The  Board of Directors  brings ASM's mission to life by setting and approving the vision for the Society. The Board also is ultimately responsible for approving all legal, financial and governance matters. View the  full position description. 


At-Large Board Directors shall be elected for a 3-year term. Directors may serve 2, 3-year terms, unless they are elected to be an officer of the Society. 
At-Large Board Directors must ensure that ASM activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission of promoting and advancing microbial sciences—recognizing and disclosing conflicts of interest; making decisions that are solely in the best interest of ASM and not of any particular group or individual; and committing to "protect and serve" the organization. It is important to note that no Director on the Board represents specific constituencies, rather the whole Society. Based on D.C. Law, Directors must abide by the legal duties of care, loyalty  and obedience, pertaining to their role as Directors of ASM. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

As fiduciaries, each Director has basic responsibilities that derive from these duties, including the following:
  • To support the mission and purpose of ASM and to abide by its policies.
  • To be diligent in attending, preparing for and participating in Board meetings and related activities, on behalf of ASM.
  • To ensure that the financial affairs of ASM are, to the best of the Board member's knowledge, managed responsibly and prudently.
  • To always act in good faith and in the best interests of ASM, and not in the interest of a specific constituency, interest group or individual.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of sensitive, privileged  or proprietary information obtained because of Board service.  
At-Large Board Directors are expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings, as needed.  
At-Large Board Directors are expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating and Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating and Appointments Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election. 

Clinical Microbiology Mentoring Subcommittee (CMMS)
The Clinical Microbiology Mentoring Subcommittee (CMMS) educates junior clinical and public health microbiologists on career growth opportunities, provides them with resources to advance their careers and promotes the profession of clinical microbiology to potential new entrants into the field. The CMMS is a subcommittee of ASM’s Clinical and Public Health Microbiology Committee (CPHMC).


  • Three years starting July 2024.
  • One to 5 hours per month.

Responsibilities and Expectations


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • Must work in a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory (any position).

Evidence-Based Lab Medicine Practice Guidelines (EBLMPG)
The Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines Subcommittee answers a laboratory quality gap with evidence.


  • 3 years.
  • 2 to 5 hours per month.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Review quality gap and formulate the questions to answer with peer-reviewed literature.
  • Adjudicate titles, abstracts or articles as needed.
  • Review draft guidelines as needed.
  • Review proposed volunteers for guideline development.
  • Identify how to increase guideline's reach.
  • Participate in occasional conference calls; most work is conducted by email.
  • Meet deadlines and actively collaborate.


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • 3 to 6 years experience directing a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory.
  • Not currently employed by industry.
  • Published in peer-reviewed journals.

Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS)

The Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS) is currently recruiting a new member to join on July 1. The PDS develops and promotes educational material for the clinical microbiology community.


  • Three years.
  • Participate in 2-3 1-hour conference calls per year.
  • Contribute to 2 monthly clinical case study series per year. This would include:
    • Identify speakers and topics for case study videos or create a short case summary for the ASM website.
    • Help create short professional development videos for the clinical and public health community.
    • Identify emerging topics for potential webinars and contribute to the development of those webinars.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Identify educational topics of interest for the clinical laboratory.
  • Review and discuss additional educational opportunities proposed by ASM members.
  • Volunteer to develop case studies and short professional videos.
  • Volunteer as a moderator for emerging topic webinars.


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • Must work in a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory at either the director level or bench level.

Evidence-Based Lab Medicine Practice Guidelines (EBLMPG)
The Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines Subcommittee answers a laboratory quality gap with evidence.


  • 3 years.
  • 2 to 5 hours per month.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Review quality gap and formulate the questions to answer with peer-reviewed literature.
  • Adjudicate titles, abstracts or articles as needed.
  • Review draft guidelines as needed.
  • Review proposed volunteers for guideline development.
  • Identify how to increase guideline's reach.
  • Participate in occasional conference calls; most work is conducted by email.
  • Meet deadlines and actively collaborate.


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • 3 to 6 years experience directing a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory.
  • Not currently employed by industry.
  • Published in peer-reviewed journals.

Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS)

The Professional Development Subcommittee (PDS) is currently recruiting a new member to join on July 1. The PDS develops and promotes educational material for the clinical microbiology community.


  • Three years.
  • Participate in 2-3 1-hour conference calls per year.
  • Contribute to 2 monthly clinical case study series per year. This would include:
    • Identify speakers and topics for case study videos or create a short case summary for the ASM website.
    • Help create short professional development videos for the clinical and public health community.
    • Identify emerging topics for potential webinars and contribute to the development of those webinars.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Identify educational topics of interest for the clinical laboratory.
  • Review and discuss additional educational opportunities proposed by ASM members.
  • Volunteer to develop case studies and short professional videos.
  • Volunteer as a moderator for emerging topic webinars.


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • Must work in a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory at either the director level or bench level.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee has opened applications for the role of member (4 positions). The Communications Committee members work in strong partnership with ASM staff and the CEO to engage, inform and excite a wide range of audiences about microbial science. The communication committee supports the organization’s mission of promoting and advancing microbial science through its strategic initiatives of:    

  • Being the voice of microbial sciences.

  • Promoting ASM as a forum to exchange ideas.

  • Helping members advance their careers by advocating for science communications in a variety of forms.


  • Each committee member serves a 3-year term, renewable once.  

  • The committee has 2 meetings yearly; 1 in the spring, coinciding with the Microbe meeting, and 1 in the fall. Additional correspondence is conducted by e-mail and conference calls, as needed, throughout the calendar year to address issues that arise between meetings of the full committee. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Provide scientific expertise and create content 4 times a year for ASM’s channels (ranging from media to non-peer-reviewed print publications) to promote cutting-edge topics in the microbial sciences.

  • Suggest and prioritize topics for digital content creation (e.g., blogs, video, etc.).

  • Provide recommendations of ASM experts for news media interviews.

  • Follow ASM on social channels and act as an influencer.

  • Serve as scientific advisors and act as reviewers for ASM materials on request.

  • Be an advocate for effective science communications among ASM members.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. 
The committee seeks to represent diverse scientific areas and career levels. Members must be able to think about public policy as it pertains to the microbiology and the various scientific disciplines that comprise the field. 

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM President-Elect, then reviews the rankings and applications. The candidates who receive the highest ranks will be recommended to the Board of Directors for final approval.

COMS Vice Chair/Chair

The COMS Vice-Chair is second on the councilor member list, with the Chair being the first. They perform the Chair's duties in the absence of the current Chair, and de facto is the next in line to take the Chair position (officially pending bylaws changes). View the  full position description, including descriptions for Vice-Chair and Chair. 


The COMS Vice-Chair serves a single 1-year term and continues to the role of Chair for another 1-year term, performing a total of 2 years of service for the Council. The entirety of COMS meets once annually, and at other times and places, as is deemed necessary. 
The COMS Vice-Chair has a clear understanding of COMS function and scope that helps identify and anticipate the direction of the microbial sciences and provide that advice and input to the Board of Directors. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

As Vice-Chair, the individual is recognized for their scientific achievements and shares their expertise, vision and strategies for the microbial sciences in a trusted forum, where individual members relate knowledge and expertise for advising on scientific projects and initiatives for the Society.

The Vice-Chair brings their expertise and focuses on a vision for the future of microbial sciences, where the vision for the future of the field, exchange of scientific information and networking can lead to a real impact. In addition, the Vice-Chair helps the Chair guide COMS Councilors, contributes to the science and ASM's Program of Work and serves as a subject matter expert to the Board and ASM leadership. 


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus  or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the COMS membership.

COMS At-Large Councilor

COMS At-large Councilor members (3 positions needed) are recognized leaders for their scientific achievements, sharing their expertise, vision and strategies for the microbial sciences, in a trusted forum, where individual members relate knowledge and expertise for advising on scientific projects and initiatives for the Society. View the  full position description. 


The COMS At-Large position serves for a minimum of 3 years, with the possibility of performing a second term. The entirety of COMS meets once annually and at other times and places, as is deemed necessary. 
COMS At-large members are recognized leaders for their scientific achievements and sharing their expertise, vision and strategies for the microbial sciences, in a trusted forum, where individual members relate knowledge and expertise for advising on scientific projects and initiatives for the Society. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

COMS supports ASM by identifying scientific trends within the microbial sciences to inform the leadership, with the aim of ensuring effective scientific programs and activities, mainly through activities in the 8 scientific communities, and identifying upcoming opportunities within the microbial sciences. 


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election.

Subcommittee for Career Development Grant for Postdoctoral Women

Background and Overview

The ASM Education Committee aims to (i) promote access, excellence, mentoring, professional development and advancement in microbial sciences education; (ii) promote community among microbial sciences students, postdoctoral scientists, educators, researchers and practitioners; and (iii) lead microbial sciences education worldwide.

ASM is inviting applicants to serve on the Subcommittee for Career Development Grant for Postdoctoral Women. The subcommittee provides leadership, guidance and support to ASM programs for postdoctoral women from all over the world, minoritized backgrounds and different sectors in the microbial sciences.

Subcommittee for Career Development Grant for Postdoctoral Women Aims to:

  • Provide professional development opportunities for postdoctoral women and issues pertaining to women in the microbial sciences. 
  • Develop and promote postdoctoral women to become leaders in the profession. 
  • Oversee professional development training and grants for postdoctoral women.
  • Build communities and partnerships for postdoctoral women in microbiology.
  • Ensure a broader inclusion of diverse scientists in the working sectors of the microbial sciences. 


The time commitment for subcommittee members selected are:
  • To serve a 1-, 2- or 3-year term, renewable once. 
  • Approximately 3-4 hours per quarter beginning July 1, 2023. 

Responsibilities and Expectations 

Members of the subcommittee will:
  • Develop, guide and review ASM education programs under the purview of the subcommittee and contribute to developing annual report.
  • Attend strategic planning meetings as needed and participate in bi-monthly business meetings.
  • Be active participants in educational programs and initiatives and collaborate with other subcommittees as needed.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified Global Outreach, Emeritus, or Honorary member. A Member in Good Standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required.

Application and Selection Process 

The online application closed on June 2, 2023.

The ASM Director of Education, Chair of the Education Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee will review applications and collectively make a decision. 

Meeting Strategy Committee Chair
The Meeting Strategy Committee has opened applications for the role of chair. The Meeting Strategy Committee supports ASM’s mission to promote and advance the microbial science by ensuring that the structure and content of ASM meetings are closely aligned with ASM’s strategic priorities and responsive to the diverse needs of ASM members. Overall responsibilities for the Meeting Strategy Committee include, but are not limited to:
  • Ensure the scientific direction and scope of ASM meetings are consistent with ASM’s overall strategy and are reflective of the microbial community.
  • Position ASM meetings to be the conduit to deliver emerging microbial science.
  • Reinforce the value of ASM meetings for learning and career development.
  • Recommend appropriate resource allocation across ASM meetings.
  • Develop criteria and policies that support ASM’s meeting goals.
  • Evaluate the annual performance of ASM meetings.
  • Facilitate the role of ASM meetings in supporting broader ASM activities.
  • Identify opportunities for ASM to expand the meeting portfolio.
  • Reviews and approves new meeting ideas and concepts.  


  • Three-year term, renewable once.
  • Monthly for conference calls (2-4 hours).
  • Meetings program development and committee management  (8-10 hours annual).
  • Two (2) annual committee meetings: virtual meeting (4-6 hours) and in-person meeting at ASM Headquarters (2 days).  
  • Travel to ASM Meetings and affiliate association/industry meetings (3-4 per year).  

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Participate in ASM meetings and possess an understating of ASM priorities and strategic plan. 
  • Knowledgeable leader and subject matter expert in their field, who works collaboratively and partners closely with the meetings director, the CEO and staff, ensuring effective committee work in achieving the vision and the implementation of the ASM strategic plan related to the ASM meetings portfolio.  
  • Strong commitment and energy to support the committee and ensure effective distinctions between governance and management.
  • Assist with the selection of committee members, setting objectives and reviewing the work and communications of the committee. 
  • Serve as a generative function by bringing ideas and innovation to best serve the needs of the community.
  • Commitment to embodying and elevating the principles of inclusive diversity with equity, access and accountability across the microbial sciences.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills. Dedicated to working collaboratively to help advance a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within ASM meetings. 
  • Exemplify inclusive and empathic leadership values and principles.
  • Emotional intelligence with the ability to navigate sensitive conversations with compassion.
  • Integrity and accountability.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Established scientist who has demonstrated a high level of productivity with a distinguished record of contributions as a recognized leader in the microbiology community. Preferred prior experience serving on a committee for ASM or another scientific society. 

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM President-Elect, then reviews the rankings and applications. The candidates who receive the highest ranks will be recommended to the board of directors for final approval.

Meeting Strategy Committee Member
The Meeting Strategy Committee has opened applications for the role of Member (4 positions). The Meeting Strategy Committee supports ASM’s mission to promote and advance the microbial science by ensuring that the structure and content of ASM meetings are closely aligned with ASM’s strategic priorities and responsive to the diverse needs of ASM members. Overall responsibilities for the Meeting Strategy Committee include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Ensure the scientific direction and scope of ASM meetings are consistent with ASM’s overall strategy and are reflective of the microbial community. 
  • Position ASM meetings to be the conduit to deliver emerging microbial science.
  • Reinforce the value of ASM meetings for learning and career development.
  • Recommend appropriate resource allocation across ASM meetings.
  • Develop criteria and policies that support ASM’s meeting goals.
  • Evaluate the annual performance of ASM meetings.
  • Facilitate the role of ASM meetings in supporting broader ASM activities.
  • Identify opportunities for ASM to expand the meeting portfolio.
  • Reviews and approves new meeting ideas and concepts.  
The ASM Meetings Department seeks to fill the following positions on the ASM Meeting Strategy Committee:  
  • Clinical Microbiologist—1 member.
  • Basic Scientist—1 member.
  • Early-Career Scientist—1 member.
  • Industry Representative—1 member.


  • Three-year term, renewable once.
  • Monthly for conference calls (2-4 hours).
  • Meetings program development  (10-15  hours annually).
  • Two (2) annual committee meetings: virtual meeting (4-6 hours) and in-person meeting at ASM Headquarters (2 days).  

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Understanding of scientific meetings. 
  • Knowledgeable leader and subject matter expert in the microbial sciences. 
  • Serve as a generative function by bringing ideas and innovation to best serve the needs of the community.
  • Participate in and actively contribute to committee meetings and conference calls. 
  • Complete assignments on schedule.
  • Assist Chair and ASM staff with ad hoc assignments.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Established scientist who has demonstrated a high level of productivity with a distinguished record of contributions as a recognized leader in the microbiology community. Preferred prior experience serving on a committee for ASM or another scientific society. 

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM President-Elect, then reviews the rankings and applications. The candidates who receive the highest ranks will be recommended to the board of directors for final approval.

Membership Committee Chair
The Membership Committee has opened applications for the role of chair. The Membership Committee is a Program Committee that establishes sub-committees and ad-hoc sub-committees or taskforces to assist in fulfilling the programmatic activities set forth in its mission. The Membership Committee supports the Society’s objective for the promotion of scientific knowledge through membership activities. The Membership Committee strengthens member recruitment and retention through communication, engagement and enhancement of the value of membership in the Society. Membership dues revenue supports membership programs and activities.


  • Three-year term for the committee Chair, renewable once.
  • Strong commitment to and energy to support the ASM, the Membership Committee and its core mission; an understanding of and goals, and ensure effective distinctions between governance and management.
  • The committee will hold at least one meeting each year.  Additional meetings may be held as needed.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Have a demonstrated interest in the ASM and its programs. 
  • High ethical standards—no possible conflict of interest. 
  • Excellent professional reputation among peers. 
  • Both ability and willingness to make to participate in committee’s programs and meetings. 
  • Excellent communication skills, both person-to-person and in meetings. 
  • Ability to work cooperatively as a team member.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus, or honorary member. A member in good standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

The committee seeks to represent diverse scientific areas and career levels.

Application/Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The committee’s lead staff member and committee chair will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM President-Elect, then reviews the rankings and applications. The candidates that receive the highest ranks will be recommended to the Board of Directors for final approval.

COMS-Elected Board Directors
COMS-Elected Board Directors are recognized leaders for their scientific achievements, sharing their expertise, vision and strategies for the microbial sciences. As members of the Board of Directors, COMS-Elected Board Directors must ensure that ASM activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission of promoting and advancing microbial sciences—recognizing and disclosing conflicts of interest and making decisions that are in the best interest of the “whole of ASM.”  View the  full position description.  


COMS-Elected Board Directors are elected for a 3-year term. COMS-Elected Board Directors may serve 2, 3-year terms, unless they are elected to be an Officer of the Society. There are a total of 2 COMS-Elected seats on the Board of Directors.  The entirety of the Board of Directors meets 3 times annually. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

COMS-Elected Board Directors have basic responsibilities, including  supporting the mission and purpose of ASM and abiding by its policies; being diligent in attending, preparing for  and participating in Board meetings, and related activities, on behalf of ASM; ensuring  that the financial affairs of ASM are, to the best of the Board member's knowledge, managed responsibly and prudently; always acting in good faith, and in the best interests of ASM, and not in the interest of a specific constituency, interest group or individual; and  maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive, privileged  or proprietary information obtained because of Board service. 
They also have senior-level experience and recognition within the professional and/or scientific communities, effective leadership, diplomacy, communication, strategic skills; demonstrated professional competency and a strong commitment to the ASM mission to protect the scientific interest. 
COMS-Elected Board Directors are expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings as needed.  
COMS-Elected Board Directors are expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the COMS membership.

The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing all moneys and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Society and for overseeing full and accurate accounting of receipts and disbursement. The Treasurer provides to the Board of Directors at its regular meetings, or when the Board of Directors so requires, reports on the financial status of the Society.  View the  full position description.  


The Treasurer is selected for a 3-year term and may serve a second 3-year term, as the result of a second election, in which the applicant can run unopposed, if the Nominating Committee and the Board so choose.  The entirety of the Board of Directors meets 3 times annually. 
The Treasurer is a high honor and privilege, but one that carries with it a serious responsibility to carry the interests of ASM, its members  and stakeholders, and to accomplish the Society's mission. The Treasurer must conduct ASM business and perform the duties of the position in an exemplary fashion. Like all Board members, the Treasurer must abide by legal duties, as defined in the DC Law—the duties of care, loyalty  and obedience. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

The Treasurer has basic responsibilities, which include  supporting the mission and purpose of ASM, and to abide by its policies;  be diligent in attending, preparing for  and participating in Board meetings, and related activities, on behalf of ASM;  ensure  that the financial affairs of ASM are, to the best of the Board member's knowledge, managed responsibly and prudently; always act  in good faith, and in the best interests of ASM, and not in the interest of a specific constituency, interest group or individual; and  maintain  the confidentiality of sensitive, privileged  or proprietary information obtained because of Board service. 
The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the BOD and an ex officio, non-voting member of the COMS,  a member of the Executive Committee, and is Chair of the Finance Committee and Investment Subcommittee. 
The Treasurer is expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings as needed.  
The Treasurer is expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  
It is highly desirable that the Treasurer has significant experience within the ASM governance, is familiar with ASM strategic plan, governance structure and decision-making processes, as well senior-level experience and recognition within the professional and/or scientific community. Desirable skills include diplomacy, effective communications  and strategic thinking. 


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus  or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election.

The Secretary assists the President and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Secretary oversees the accurate and faithful recording of the minutes of all meetings of the Board and of the meetings of the membership. The Secretary is also responsible for coordinating the CEO’s annual performance review, which is carried out by the Executive Committee of the Board. The Secretary also provides continuity of service and experience among the volunteer officers, and works closely with the CEO to ensure timely appointments of volunteer to various committees, and ensure transmittal to ASM archives of records of archival or historical value. The Secretary serves as a resource for information on the Society’s bylaws and adherence to policies and procedures of the Society and Board. View the  full position description.  


The Secretary is selected for a 3-year term and may serve a second 3-year term, as the result of a second election, in which the applicant can run unopposed, if the Nominating Committee and the Board so choose.  The entirety of the Board of Directors meets 3 times annually. 
The Secretary should conduct themselves and perform their duties in an exemplary fashion, commensurate with the position of leadership they cover. In addition, like all Board members, the Secretary abides to key legal duties, as defined in the DC Law—the duties of care, loyalty  and obedience. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

The  Secretary has basic responsibilities, which include supporting the mission and purpose of ASM and abiding by its policies; being diligent in attending, preparing for and participating in Board meetings and related activities on behalf of ASM;  ensuring that the financial affairs of ASM are, to the best of the Board member's knowledge, managed responsibly and prudently; always act ing in good faith and in the best interests of ASM, and not in the interest of a specific constituency, interest group  or individual; and  maintain ing the confidentiality of sensitive, privileged  or proprietary information obtained because of Board service. 
The Secretary shall be a voting member of the BOD and an ex officio, non-voting member of the COMS, and is a member of the Executive Committee. 
The Secretary is expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings as needed.  
The Secretary is expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  
It is highly desirable that the Secretary has significant experience within the ASM governance, and is familiar with ASM strategic plan, governance structure and decision-making processes. They also have senior-level experience and recognition within the professional and/or scientific communities, effective leadership, diplomacy, communication, strategic skills; demonstrated professional competency; and a strong commitment to the ASM mission to protect the scientific interest. 


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing." A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid their current dues or is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus  or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election.

At-Large Board Director
At-Large Board Directors provide strategic direction to the Society. The  Board of Directors  brings ASM's mission to life by setting and approving the vision for the Society. The Board also is ultimately responsible for approving all legal, financial and governance matters. View the  full position description. 


At-Large Board Directors shall be elected for a 3-year term. Directors may serve 2, 3-year terms, unless they are elected to be an Officer of the Society. 
At-Large Board Directors must ensure that ASM activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission of promoting and advancing microbial sciences—recognizing and disclosing conflicts of interest; making decisions that are solely in the best interest of ASM, and not of any particular group or individual; and committing to "protect and serve" the organization. It is important to note that no Director on the Board represents specific constituencies, rather the whole Society. Based on DC Law, Directors must abide by the legal duties of care, loyalty  and obedience, pertaining to their role as Directors of ASM. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

As fiduciaries, each Director has basic responsibilities that derive from these duties, including the following: to support the mission and purpose of ASM and to abide by its policies; to be diligent in attending, preparing for and participating in Board meetings, and related activities, on behalf of ASM; to ensure that the financial affairs of ASM are, to the best of the Board member's knowledge, managed responsibly and prudently; to always act in good faith, and in the best interests of ASM, and not in the interest of a specific constituency, interest group, or individual; and to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive, privileged  or proprietary information obtained because of Board service. 
At-Large Board Directors are expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings and phone calls for the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet 3 times per year. The June meeting runs in conjunction with the ASM Microbe meeting. In total, it is an expected time commitment of approximately 9-10 days out-of-office per year (or more), and additional time spent for official calls and virtual/in-person meetings as needed.  
At-Large Board Directors are expected to participate in the ASM annual meeting and other working groups or events that may require their presence.  


The applicant must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A member in good standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified global outreach, emeritus or honorary member, and must abide by the Society's Code of Ethics.  

Application and Selection Process

Applicants must complete the online application. Applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. Candidates may be asked to hold an interview with members of the Nominating Committee. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership. ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election. 

Education Subcommittee Members

The ASM Education Committee aims to (i) promote access, excellence, mentoring, professional development and advancement in microbial sciences education; (ii) promote community among microbial sciences students, postdoctoral scientists, educators, researchers and practitioners; and (iii) lead microbial sciences education worldwide.

ASM is inviting applicants to serve on any of the 3 subcommittees listed below. The subcommittees provide leadership, guidance and support to ASM programs for undergraduate educators, trainees from minoritized backgrounds, postdoctoral women and graduate and postdoctoral trainees.

​Subcommittee on Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Aims to:

  • Promote excellence in research and teaching in graduate and postdoctoral microbiology education. 
  • Ensure a broader inclusion of diverse scientists in graduate and postdoctoral education. 
  • Enhance accesss to the wide range of career opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scientists. 

Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education Aims to: 

  • Provide leadership in undergraduate education. 
  • Provide student and faculty professional development opportunities. 
  • Develop and disseminate resources for undergraduate microbiology education. 
  • Encourage communities and partnerships in microbiology education. 

Commitment, Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Members of subcommittees will be active participants in educational programs and initiatives. 
  • Committee members will be expected to attend strategic planning meetings during their tenure.
    • Members of subcommitteess will meet at least twice virtually per year.  
  • Committee members will serve a 3-year term, renewable once. 
  • Committee members are expected to propose, guide and review ASM education programs under the purview of the subcommittee. 
  • Committee members will also be involved in reviewing the annual Education Committee report. 
  • Committee members should expect a minimum of 20 hours annual commitment. 


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified Global Outreach, Emeritus, or Honorary member. A Member in Good Standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required. 

Application and Selection Process 

The online application closed on Sept. 15, 2022.

The ASM Director of Education, Chair of the Education Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee will review applications and collectively make a decision. The voting body for this position is the ASM membership.  ASM members must be in good standing to be eligible for voting in the election

Education Committee Chair

The Education Committee Chair must have an understanding of major ASM activities in the education and professional development area and an understating of ASM priorities and strategic plan. The Chair is a subject matter expert who works collaboratively and partners closely with the Education Director, the CEO, and staff. The Chair, together with the Education Director and the Committee, also serves a generative function by bringing ideas and innovation to best serve the needs of the community.


The Education Chair position serves for a minimum of three years with the possibility of performing a second, three-year term. The Chair must have a strong commitment to and energy to support the Committee, its core mission; an understanding of and goals, and ensure effective distinctions between governance and management.

Responsibilities and Expectations 

As Chair, you must have a good understanding of major ASM activities in the education and professional development area and an understating of ASM priorities and strategic plan. The Chair is also a knowledgeable leader and subject matter expert in their field who works collaboratively and partners closely with the Education Director, the CEO, and staff, ensuring effective committee work in achieving the vision and the implementation of the ASM strategic plan in this area. The Chair, together with the Education Director and the Committee, also serves a generative function by bringing ideas and innovation to best serve the needs of the community.

The ASM Education Committee is responsible for developing educational initiatives within ASM to help scientists in the field grow and contribute to furthering the microbial sciences. In doing so, initiatives designed by the Education Committee will help ASM members advance their careers at all academic and professional levels leveraging current ASM resources. The Committee will also build and support networks into which members at all levels are fully engaged in professional development activities.

Experience and Skills

The Chair should ideally have the following experience and background:
  • Be an ASM member in "good standing" and demonstrate an interest in ASM and the microbial sciences. Skill in written and oral communications.
  • Be a team player, working collaboratively with staff and other volunteers, sharing their connections with other institutions, being a "thought partner" for the Education Director to help make a significant impact.
  • Will share expertise and connections being an asset for ASM to help navigate funding opportunities to support educational activities.
  • Has significant, senior-level experience and is recognized within the educational space as a leader, having a proven track record of engagement at the university, State, or Federal level in helping shape educational opportunities and programs.
  • Integrity and confidentiality, diplomacy, and a strong commitment to the ASM mission to further educate the microbial sciences.
  • Are a positive, constructive, forward-looking leader and thinker who approaches situations in a "why not?" rather than in a "why?" mentality. They look forward, not backward, and help build what will be needed for future microbiology leaders.

Skills include:

  • Strong leadership skills
  • Team player
  • Understands how associations, and ASM in particular, works
  • Understands their roles and responsibilities and that of staff
  • Relationship building and communications and interpersonal skills
  • Impartiality, fairness, tact, and diplomacy
  • Integrity
  • Initiative and ensuring decisions are taken and followed up
  • Sound decision-making ability, good timekeeping
  • Commitment to open and honest communication
  • Confidentiality on sensitive matters and where needed


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified Global Outreach, Emeritus, or Honorary member. A Member in Good Standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics. ASM membership is required. 

Application Process 

Constituents will fill out the online application. The Appointments Committee, which is chaired by the ASM President-Elect, will review applications using a series of criteria created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics to rank the candidates. The candidates that receive the highest ranks will be recommended to the Board of Directors for final approval.

COMS Vice Chair (Interim)

The COMS Vice-Chair is second on the Councilor member list, with the Chair being the first. He/she/they perform the Chair's duties in the absence of the current Chair, and de facto is the next in line to take the chair position (officially pending bylaws changes.) This role will serve at an interim level, vacating the role on June 30, 2022. View full position description.


This role serves at an interim level, vacating the role on June 30, 2022. 

A strong commitment and energy to support COMS and its core mission; a clear understanding of COMS goals, function, and scope, and the distinctions between providing scientific advice vs. managing programs. Is committed to working in partnership with the COMS Chair, ASM President, and CEO to ensure maximum effectiveness of COMS outcomes.

Responsibilities and Expectations

As Vice-Chair, the individual is recognized for their scientific achievements and shares their expertise, vision, and strategies for the microbial sciences in a trusted forum where individual members relate knowledge and expertise for advising on scientific projects and initiatives for the Society. The Vice-Chair brings their expertise and focuses on a vision for the future of microbial sciences where the vision for the future of the field exchange of scientific information and networking can lead to a real impact on future programs of the Society. In addition, the Vice-Chair helps the Chair guide COMS Councilors, contributes to the science and ASM's Program of Work, and serves as a key advisor and subject matter expert to the Board and ASM leadership.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified Global Outreach, Emeritus, or Honorary member. A Member in Good Standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Application and Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. A series of criteria has been created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics. The Nominating Committee will review applications in conjunction with these metrics in order to rank the candidates. The candidates that receive the highest ranks will form the slate.

COMS Division Interdisciplinary Councilor

The position of Division Interdisciplinary Councilor provides a balance of diversity, representation, and wider latitude among the At-Large Councilors, Branch Councilors, Program Committee Councilors, and Division Councilors, which represent the four additional governance arms that compose the Council on Microbial Sciences. View full position description.


The COMS Division Interdisciplinary Councilor position serves for a minimum of three years with the possibility of performing a second term. The entirety of COMS meets once annually and at other times and places as is deemed necessary.

The role of the Councilor is key in providing strong scientific leadership and strategic guidance in an advisory role to the Board and the ASM leadership. The Councilor fulfills several interrelated roles as the leader, and stakeholder liaison, actively identifying and evaluating the impact of emerging scientific issues.

Responsibilities and Expectations

The Division Interdisciplinary Councilor is someone with exceptional scientific credentials, recognized as a leader in the broad microbial sciences, not just in a specific sub-discipline. The Division Interdisciplinary Councilor provides broad perspectives on the future of microbial sciences and can focus on big picture/high impact issues. The Division Interdisciplinary Councilor brings gravitas because of their scientific credentials and visibility in the microbial sciences. They need to mobilize effectively in their community the volunteer resources, drive discussions on ASM Connect, provide input in community retreats, keep the pulse on trends in science, and help the eight communities focus on such trends. The role must effectively scan the environment to ensure members’ diverse views are duly considered, enabling, encouraging, and promoting deeper perspectives.


The incumbent must be an ASM member in "good standing.” A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who has paid his or her current dues or who is designated as a certified Global Outreach, Emeritus, or Honorary member. A Member in Good Standing, including dues-paying and honorific Academy Fellows, must further abide by the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Application and Selection Process

Constituents will fill out the online application. The applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by the ASM Past President. A series of criteria has been created by a third party in order to provide transparent metrics. The Nominating Committee will review applications in conjunction with these metrics in order to rank the candidates. The candidates that receive the highest ranks will form the slate.

Board of Directors, President-Elect

The president-elect provides secondary leadership for the Society, substitutes for the president when needed and prepares to serve as president.


  • 3 years total.
    • 1 year beginning July 1 following the election as President-Elect of the Board of Directors.
    • Automatically advance to 1-year term as President of the Board of Directors (non-renewable).
    • Final 1-year term as Past President of the Board of Directors (non-renewable).
  • [time commitment per month?]

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Voting member of the Board of Directors.
  • Ex officio, non-voting member of the Council on Microbial Sciences.
  • Assist the president and substitute for the president in the absence of the president. The president-elect shall take precedence over the past president in substituting for the president.
  • Other roles of the president-elect include reviewing the performance of the various BOD standing committee and program committee chairs, holding the role of chair for the Appointments Committee and holding the role of chair for ad hoc committees as requested by the BOD. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Board members are required to be members of the Society in good standing.

Nomination and Election Process

Clinical and Public Health Microbiology Committee Member
​The Clinical and Public Health Microbiology Committee (CPHMC) works with ASM colleagues to advance and promote the practice of clinical and public health microbiology. 


  • 3 years.
  • 1-3 hours per month. 

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Actively participate in committee discussions. 
  • Participate in surveys. 
  • Respond to requests for information
  • Share information about committee activities with ASM members.
  • All work is conducted virtually. 


  • Must be an ASM member.
  • Must be a clinical or public health microbiology laboratory director.

Application Process

  • Applications are not being accepted at this time. 

COMS Division Interdisciplinary Councilor
COMS Division Interdisciplinary Councilors are leaders in the microbial sciences with broad views on the future of microbial sciences, not just of a specific subdiscipline. They act at a strategic (not tactical) level, have a passion for envisioning the future of science and the profession of microbiology, and want to help determine what programs are necessary to meet the needs of the field.


  • 3-year term, eligible for up to 2 terms.
  • [time commitment per month?]

Responsibilities and Expectations

Eligibility Requirements

  •  Councilors are required to be members of the Society in good standing.

Nomination and Election Process

COMS Vice Chair
The Council on Microbial Sciences (COMS) Vice Chair of works in partnership with the COMS Chair to advise the Board of Directors and support ASM’s mission to advance the microbial sciences. They are also tasked with linking the membership to ASM leadership and scanning the environment.


  • 2-year total commitment.
    • 1 year as COMS Vice Chair.
    • Automatically advance to 1-year term as COMS Chair.
  • [time committment per month?]

Responsibilities and Expectations

Eligibility Requirements

  •  Councilors are required to be members of the Society in good standing.

Nomination and Election Process