American Academy of Microbiology Leadership
The American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) is the honorific leadership group and scientific think tank within ASM. The mission of the Academy is to recognize microbiologists for outstanding contributions to the microbial sciences and to provide expertise in the service of science and the public.
To fulfill its mission, the Academy consists of multiple leadership positions divided into the Academy Governors and 3 distinct subcommittees: (1) the Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee, (2) the Subcommittee on Awards and (3) the Subcommittee on Elections.

Academy Governors
Academy business is conducted by the Academy Governors, acting for the fellowship. This highest governing body of the Academy consists of a chair and 11 Governors. Governors are elected by the fellows of the Academy to serve a 3-year term and are eligible for 1 additional 3-year term.
- Set strategic direction for the Academy programs.
- Develop and approve colloquia topics.
- Oversee the fellowship nomination and election process.
- Approve new awards recommended by the Subcommittee on Awards.
Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee
The Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee is charged with identifying highly qualified nominees to stand for election each year for open positions for the Academy Governors and the Subcommittee on Elections. The subcommittee consists of 4 Academy fellows and a member of the Academy Governors appointed subcommittee chair by the chair of the Governors. Academy Leadership Nominating Subcommittee members serve a single 3-year term.
- Mange volunteer nominating process to ensure candidates represent the diverse expertise, demographics, qualifications and experiences of the Academy.
- Complete the review of volunteers and recommend candidates for open Governors and Subcommittee on Elections positions.
- Review evaluation criteria carefully to make informed selection decisions.
Subcommittee on Awards
The Subcommittee on Awards is charged to provide oversight and management of the ASM Awards & Prize Program on behalf of the ASM. The Subcommittee on Awards consists of 8 fellows of the Academy, including one chair, appointed by the chair of the Academy Governors. Each Subcommittee member, including the chair, serves a 3-year term and is eligible for 1 additional 3-year term.
- Recommend the development or elimination of awards as the science evolves.
- Review and comment on all proposals for establishment of new awards ensuring that they do not conflict or duplicate an existing award.
- Generate and support ideas for award outreach and publicity.
- Review the Award Selection Committees’ post-award laureate selection surveys.
Subcommittee on Elections
The Subcommittee on Elections (SoE) is charged to examine the credentials of nominees to fellowship and make election recommendations to the Academy Governors. The Subcommittee consists of 16 fellows who are elected by the fellows, of which 1 member is appointed chair by the chair of the Academy Governors. SoE members serve a single 4-year term.
- Participate in the annual review of Academy fellowship nominations (Oct. - Dec.).
- Review thoroughly and providing comments and scores on the nominees.
- Vote on the final recommendations of the nominees to the Governors.
- Provide feedback to the Governors about the annual fellowship nomination and review process.