Our Work
We advocate for public policies rooted in evidence-based science. We believe that science must serve the public interest, and we recognize the essential role of the microbial sciences in helping to address humanity’s most daunting—and evolving—challenges.
Our Strategy
Our effective and time-tested advocacy strategy is based on a multi-pronged approach that recognizes and capitalizes on the interdependent nature of policy development, policymaker outreach and grassroots initiatives.
Policy Development
Our policy development efforts serve as the foundation for the Society’s efforts in public policies that advance the microbial sciences. Drawing from 6 policy principles, we work with our members to advance key policy priorities, advocate for evidence-based policy and weigh in on public policies, often in response to specific requests from Congress or regulatory agencies.
Policymaker Outreach
Our policymaker outreach efforts serve as a voice for the microbiology community in the sphere of public policy. We seek to identify and influence policies that have effects across the breadth of the microbial sciences by educating members of Congress and their staff about ASM, our members and the importance of investing in the microbial sciences.
Member Advocacy Engagement
Our member advocacy program engages ASM members in the public policy discourse, leveraging their unique perspectives and expertise in the microbial sciences to advance policy priorities.
Fundamental Microbial Sciences and Discovery
Basic microbial sciences and their broad applications.
Microbes and Health
Advancing the microbial sciences and their application to human health.
Microbes in Agriculture
The role of microbes in plants, animals, soil and water in supporting a healthy agroecosystem.
Microbes, Energy and Environment
Microbes as a key component to developing solutions to energy and environmental problems.
- Meet the Policymaker Webinar: National Climate Assessment Authors.
- ASM Responds to Environmental Protection Agency on Antimicrobial Resistance Assessment Framework.
- ASM Responds to Department of Energy's RFI.
- ASM Advocates for Scientific Solutions to Climate Change.
- The Role of Microbiology in Sustainable Development.
Biosecurity and Biodefense
Addressing existing, emerging and reemerging health threats.
Promoting a Culture of Scientific Advancement
Supporting basic, translational, clinical and applied microbial sciences from a global perspective.
How to Get Involved
We provide opportunities for members to advocate for evidence-based scientific policy. ASM members can participate by speaking directly with Congressional staffers (Hill Day), signing on to petitions or contacting their legislators through action alerts.
The ASM Advocacy Team has created several resources and trainings to help scientists communicate with Congress, and we make it easy for members to advocate for evidence-based scientific policy and learn about important policy issues affecting the microbial sciences.