Microbial Minutes: The Feeding Microbiomes and C. diff Disinfectant Edition

July 17, 2019

What's hot in the microbial sciences? ASM summarizes microbiology news and reports in Microbial Minutes, a weekly news roundup. Watch the YouTube session for summaries and major findings, and read the reports and news coverage for yourself below. What should we highlight next time? Leave a suggestion in our comments section!

Dyer C. et al. Biocide Resistance and Transmission of Clostridium difficile Spores Spiked onto Clinical Surfaces from an American Healthcare Facility. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. July 12 2019.

Gehrig J.L. et al. Effects of Microbiota-Directed Foods in Gnotobiotic Animals and Undernournished Children. Science. July 12 2019.

Author: Julie Wolf, Ph.D.

Julie Wolf, Ph.D.
Dr. Julie Wolf is in science communications at Indie Bio, and is a former ASM employee.