Microbial Minutes: Influenza Immunity Edition
What's hot in the microbial sciences? ASM summarizes microbiology news and reports in Microbial Minutes, a weekly news roundup. Watch the YouTube session for summaries and major findings, and read the reports and news coverage for yourself below. What should we highlight next time? Leave a suggestion in our comments section!
Walters K.A. et al. Differential Effects of Influenza Virus NA, HA Head, and HA Stalk Antibodies on Peripheral Blood Leukocyte Gene Expression during Human Infection. mBio. May 14 2019.
- ASM article: Is a Universal Influenza Vaccine on the Horizon?
Kudo E. et al. Low Ambient Humidity Impairs Barrier Function and Innate Resistance against Influenza Infection. PNAS. May 13 2019.
- Lakdawala et al. Influenza Virus Infectivity is Retained in Aerosols and Droplets Independent of Relative Humidity. JID. September 1 2018.
- Yale Press Release: Flu Virus' Best Friend: Low Humidity