Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance: ASM Microbe 2019 Session Highlights

Oct. 9, 2019

Purchase the ASM MICROBE 2019 - Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance Package for $449 and get these 4 scientific sessions plus 23 more! 

How to Build a Breakpoint - Relative Importance of the ECOV and PK/PD Target Attainment

The session will identify the microbiologic and pharmacologic process for setting antimicrobial susceptibility breakpoints. It will also describe pitfalls and controversies in the process.

This session features presentations from:

John D. Turnidge, University of Adelaide
Sujata Bhavnani, Institute for Clinical Pharmacodynamics

Watch: How to Build a Breakpoint (Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AAR or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

New Agents Discovery Summary Session: Early New Antimicrobial Agents

This session will highlight the discovery of new antimicrobial agents, including their characterization and new technologies that facilitate their discovery and characterization, or give further insight into the activity of established molecules. Presenters will discuss β-lactamase inhibitors, LepB inhibitors and a polymyxin analog.

This session features presentations from:

Martin Everett, Antabio
Christopher Heise, Genetech
Olga Lomovskaya, Qpex Biopharma
Troy Lister, Spero Theraputics
Daniel C. Pevear, VenatoRx

Watch: New Agents Discovery Summary Session (Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AAR or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

One Health Solutions for Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance

This cross-disciplinary session will gather world leaders to discuss strategies to tackle AMR due to causes other than the use of antibiotics in humans. It will cover antibiotics in water supplies; the rise of AMR in our food supplies due to use of antibiotics in meat farming and aquaculture; antibiotic use and AMR in domestic pets; and global strategies being implemented to overcome these threats.

This session features presentations from:

Scott McEwen, University of Guelph
Shannon D. Manning, Michigan State University
Jeff Bender, University of Minnesota
Amy E. Kirby, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Watch: One Health Solutions for Tackling AMR (Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AAR or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

NCBI, Antibiotic Resistance and a Million Genomes

With the abundance of whole bacterial genomes available, data analysis is becoming a major challenge. In this session, NCBI scientists who are analyzing many thousands of bacterial genomes for resistance genes will lead a panel discussion. They will discuss nomenclature of antibiotic resistance genes, point mutations, annotations, interfaces to access the information, both reference sets and full sets of genomes and a future that must deal with such large volumes of data.

This session features presentations from:

Michael Feldgarden, National Center for Biotechnology Information
Daniel Haft, National Center for Biotechnology Information

Watch: NCBI, Antibiotic Resistance and a Million Genomes (Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AAR or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

Author: ASM Communications

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