Applied and Environmental Science Session Highlights from ASM Microbe 2019

Oct. 7, 2019

Purchase the ASM MICROBE 2019 - Applied and Environmental Science Package for $209 and get these 2 scientific sessions plus 12 more! 

Breakthroughs in Fungal Genomics

The purpose of the session is to inform a broad microbiology audience of the latest developments in fungal genomic analyses. Recent technological developments, including long-read sequencing, are catalyzing breakthroughs in the areas of fungal biology and ecology, with applications in biotechnology and management of fungal disease, which is an increasing clinical problem. For example, fungal genomics have enabled the characterization of reproductive and pathogenic strategies, as well as an understanding of the vast potential for secondary metabolite production.

This session features presentations from:
Joseph Heitman, Duke University
Michelle O’Malley, Univeristy of California, Santa Cruz
Watch: Breakthroughs in Fungal Genomics
(Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AES or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

Metabolic Engineering and Biocatalysis

Microorganisms are leveraged for many industrial processes including the production of biofuels and other value-added chemicals, and for clean-up of contaminated environments.  Designing processes that are efficient and/or feasible commercially requires a thorough understanding of microbial metabolism in order to rationally optimize the process through natural or synthetic processes.  This session will explore the latest in bioprocessing, metabolic engineering and biocatalysis for synthesizing useful products.

This session features presentations from:
Keelnatham Shanmugam, University of Florida
Subba Rao Chaganti, University of Windsor
Laura Jarboe, Iowa State University
Watch: Metabolic Engineering and Biocatalysis
(Note: video playback requires the purchase of either the AES or ASM Microbe 2019 packages.)

Author: ASM Communications

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