Microbial Minutes: Changes in AMR in Livestock and Coccidioides Range

Sept. 26, 2019

What's hot in the microbial sciences? ASM summarizes microbiology news and reports in Microbial Minutes, a biweekly news roundup. Watch the YouTube session for summaries and major findings, and read the reports and news coverage for yourself below. What should we highlight next time? Leave a suggestion in our comments section!

Gorris M. E. et al. Expansion of Coccidiodomycosis Endemic Regions in the United States in Response to Climate Change. GeoHealth. August 30 2019.

Van Boeckel T.P. et al. Global Treands in Antimicrobial Resistance among Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Science. September 20 2019.

Author: Julie Wolf, Ph.D.

Julie Wolf, Ph.D.
Dr. Julie Wolf is in science communications at Indie Bio, and is a former ASM employee.