Brian T. Murphy, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Brian T. Murphy, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). He earned degrees in chemistry from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (B.S./M.S.) and Virginia Tech (Ph.D.). After spending 2 years of postdoctoral training in microbiology and chemistry at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography/University of California San Diego, he was hired into the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UIC in 2010.
The Murphy lab focuses on applying high-throughput robotics and bioinformatics toward the discovery of antibiotics from aquatic bacteria. His lab also partners with local community centers such as the Boys & Girls Club of Chicago to perform high-end biomedical research. Murphy’s program has been featured in Chemical & Engineering News, NPR, Science Daily, Toronto Star and the London Science Museum, among others.