Christopher Rensing, Ph.D.
Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University
Christopher Rensing, Ph.D., is a distinguished professor and Director of the Institute of Environmental Microbiology in the College of Resource and Environment at Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University in Fuzhou, China. His research examines metal-microbe interaction with both an environmental and a medical focus. Other research areas include electromicrobiology and bioremediation.
Rensing received his Ph.D. from the Free University Berlin. Thereafter, he was a postdoc with Barry Rosen at Wayne State University Medical School, after which he held several faculty positions, including The University of Arizona, Copenhagen University and his present position at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.
Rensing is editor in chief of BioMetals, associate editor of Science of the Total Environment and Frontiers in Microbiology and served on several editorial boards including Applied and Environmental Microbiology. He has been elected to the American Academy of Microbiology and has been awarded the Fujian Friendship Award, Fujian 100 Talents and Yunnan 1000 Talents.