Douglas Gladue, Ph.D.
USDA, Plum Island Animal Disease Center
Douglas Gladue, Ph.D., is a Principal Investigator for the USDA at Plum Island Animal Disease Center. His laboratory focuses on foreign animal diseases, including African swine fever virus (ASFV). In response to the ASFV pandemic, he has successfully designed ASFV vaccines from concept to commercialization.
He has been elected by his peers as the scientific director for the global alliance for ASF (GARA) and treasurer for the world society of virology (WSV). He was recently awarded the Arthur S. Flemming award for his work on ASFV.
Gladue's main focus is to develop better countermeasures for ASFV, with the goal of worldwide eradication of the disease. To achieve this goal, he focuses on identification of virus-host interactions, molecular determinants of virulence, and identifying the mechanisms of immunity to current live-attenuated ASFV vaccines, to rationally design a subunit vaccine for ASFV.