Nichole Broderick, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Nichole Broderick is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Prior to arriving at JHU, Nichole was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute for Systems Genomics at the University of Connecticut. Nichole received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with Ken Raffa (Entomology) and Jo Handelsman (Microbiology) and did her postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Bruno Lemaitre at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland, where she was a Human Frontiers Science Program Long-term Postdoctoral Fellow. Her research has focused on characterization of the gut microbiota of insect hosts and study of their impacts on host physiology and susceptibility to disease.
From 2013 to 2015, Nichole was an Associate Research Scientist in the Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Department at Yale University, where she first began teaching the microbiology-based CURE Microbes to Molecules. She brought this course, partnered with Tiny Earth, to the University of Connecticut as the freshman, non-majors authentic research course “Microbe Hunters” where students search soil for antibiotic-producing microbes. Through her role as Director of Science and Training for Tiny Earth, she has helped train more than 200 college and high school instructors to implement this course.
She received the 2020 Faculty Mentor Award from the University of Connecticut McNair & LSAMP Scholars Programs and is a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in the Department of Biology at Johns Hopkins University. Her laboratory team consists of 6 Ph.D. students, and she has mentored more than 20 undergraduate research scholars. Dr. Broderick is a member of ASM as well as the Genetics Society of America and the Entomology Society of America.