ASM Agar Art Contest
Congratulations to our 2024 Agar Art Contest Winners!
Visit the Current Winners tab to see the full list of winners from this year's contest
What Is Agar Art?
Have you ever seen art "painted" in a petri dish using living, growing microorganisms? That's agar art! Creators use either naturally colorful microbes—like the red bacteria Serratia marcescens—or genetically modified microbes—like the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformed with violacein genes—as "paint," while using various types, shapes and sizes of agar as a "canvas." In fact, the original agar artist was none other than Alexander Fleming himself!

How to Create Agar Art: Video Tutorial
Step inside the creative process with Agar Art 2015 winners Maria Peñil Cobo, mixed media artist, and Mehmet Berkmen, Ph.D., staff scientist at New England Biolabs. During their multi-year collaboration, Peñil Cobo and Berkmen have created astonishing works of art using living microbes. Find out how they meld science and art with this behind-the-scenes how-to video guide.
Read More About Agar Art
Need a little inspiration to get your Agar Art creative juices flowing? Read on!
Agar Art In the News
In 2015, ASM launched the ASM Agar Art Contest to share the beautiful and diverse world of microbes with the public. Since then, the wide range of amazingly beautiful entries has gained worldwide attention.
- As part of "Agar Art on Display," a public event at ASM Microbe 2022 covered by National Public Radio's "Shortwave" podcast.
- 200+ media outlets, including this piece in National Geographic.
- The "Microbes Rule!" exhibit at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, N.J.
- At the AMR Challenge celebration in New York during the 2019 United Nations General Assembly.
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2024 Agar Art Submissions Have Closed
Key Dates
Nov. 11-Nov. 22 | People's Choice voting
Week of Dec. 9 | Winners Announced
Contest Sponsor
We are grateful to our contest sponsors, who help support the Agar Art Contest, partner workshops and other associated events throughout the year.

MilliporeSigma’s portfolio spans more than 300,000 products with 19,000 employees and 72 manufacturing sites worldwide. Their BioMonitoring portfolio offers a complete range of high-quality microbial testing solutions for industrial applications, while also providing regulatory expertise, comprehensive services and collaborative partnerships. Learn about MilliporeSigma products on their website. MilliporeSigma is the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
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