Present Your Research at ASM Microbe 2025

With a 93% Acceptance Rate, ASM Microbe Is Your Chance to Shine

Whether you're a student, early-career researcher or seasoned scientist, your research has the potential to change the world. By submitting your abstract, you're not just sharing your work—you're joining a global network of microbial science experts eager to provide feedback, engage in discussions and help you take your career to new heights.

Why Submit to ASM Microbe?

  • Visibility Among Leading Experts: Gain feedback from top researchers and scientists in your field.
  • Career Growth: Present your work in front of a large audience that can open doors to new opportunities.
  • High Acceptance Rate: With a 93% acceptance rate, your research has a strong chance of being featured.

Call for abstracts closed Jan. 22, 12 p.m. ET. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

ASM will offer another round of submission for Late Breaking abstracts with potentially high impact.

Submissions in this category should highlight novel, unanticipated, high impact or disruptive studies with a time-sensitive urgency to present at ASM Microbe 2025. Such findings should have clear public impact and/or advance a field significantly, or into new directions. Examples in this category include work related to a new outbreak or research describing a newly uncovered biological mechanism.

Important note: This is not an opportunity to submit an abstract that only describes a rigorous study that could have been submitted during the general submission periods. General submission abstracts will be rejected if submitted in the emergent findings category.

 For new and emerging science stay tuned for the announcement of when late-breaking abstracts will open.

Young woman presents poster research at ASM Microbe.

Important Dates

Travel Awards: Closed.
Early Decision Abstracts: Closed.
General Abstract Submission Deadline: Closed.
General Abstract Dispositions: March 5

Presentation Formats

ASM Microbe offers flexible presentation options so you can choose how to best showcase your research. Choose between a poster presentation or oral presentation (rapid-fire or in-depth symposia).

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations allow you to engage in in-depth, one-on-one discussions with peers during designated viewing times.

This format is great for researchers who prefer sharing their work in a visual way without presenting it to an audience of their peers.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations allow you to present your research to an audience, followed by a Q&A session.

There are 2 types of oral presentations:

  • Rapid-Fire Sessions: Present your findings in quick, high-impact talks.
  • In-Depth Symposia: Deliver a more detailed presentation on your research during a focused session.

Take a look at our sessions accepting oral abstracts:

Expand to Choose Your Track

Have Additional Questions?

We've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you navigate the abstract submissions process.


Technical Support

If you have any questions regarding use of the abstract submission site, please contact technical support at ASM Support: