Abstract Guidelines
Before submitting your abstract, please carefully read the following information and instructions. If you have any questions, contact the ASM Microbe Programming Team for assistance.
General Guidelines (All Submissions)
- The abstract submitter must be the first/presenting author. Please contact asmmicrobemtgprogram@asmusa.org to change the first/presenting author. The presenting author must have an account with ASM before they can be added to that position: ASM Single Sign on.
- ASM Membership is not required to submit an abstract.
- Presenting Authors are limited to 3 unique abstracts across all submission types.
- An abstract may only be submitted once. Overlapping abstracts submitted by multiple presenters or to multiple Tracks will be rejected.
- Approval of all co-authors must be obtained before placing their names on an abstract.
- A presenter may be a presenter on up to 3 abstracts. If all 3 abstracts are accepted, the presenter is limited to one presentation per day.
- The presenting author must be registered by April 1 or the abstract will be withdrawn. Registration waivers are not available. The presenting author must register for the event using the same email address used for the abstract submission.
- Presenter agrees to be available to present in Los Angeles, Calif. on June 19-23, 2025. Remote presentations are not available.
- The Presenting Author is responsible for all expenses related to the presentation of their abstract(s) if accepted to the program. ASM does not provide funding, registration waivers or other support.
- International submitters are responsible for all funding and documentation to attend the meeting. They are encouraged to apply for their visas as soon as possible.
- Abstracts must be well written and easy to understand, with results clearly presented.
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Submission deadlines are firm. Late abstracts will not be accepted.
- Rejected abstracts may not be edited or resubmitted.
- Programming decisions are considered final. Once sessioned, an abstract will not be moved to another day.
- ASM Microbe 2025 must be the first major presentation of the abstract. Encore abstracts presented at previous meetings will not be accepted.
Guidelines for Clinical Tracks (AAR, CPHM, CIV, POM)
- The reason for the study, or how the study came about (e.g. hypothesis, discovery or central question), should be clearly stated.
- Methods must be included.
- Data must be objectively gathered, analyzed and reported.
- Data must support the stated conclusion(s).
- All presentations dealing with the isolation, purification, structure-activity relationships, mechanisms of action, in vivo/in vitro microbiology, PK/PD in animals and Pre-U.S. IND or non-U.S. early phase I studies must include meaningful data (e.g., producing organism, purification steps, physical-chemical characterization, structures, MICs, ED50s to describe new compounds and their properties and that chemical structures of lead compounds will be included as part of the poster presentation).
Scientific presentations at ASM Microbe 2025 are expected to transparently report a study’s scientific rigor, including, but not limited to, the following: 1) experimental design; 2) methodology; 3) data collection; 4) analysis and 5) interpretation and report of results. Other key components of scientific rigor, if applicable, include, sample size, randomization, blinding and replication.
Guidelines for Basic Science Tracks (AES, EEB, HMB, MBP)
- The reason for the study or how the study came about, (e.g. hypothesis, discovery or central question) should be clearly stated.
- The objective and experimental design should be briefly detailed.
- Data must be objectively gathered, analyzed and reported.
- Data must support the stated conclusion(s).
- Conclusion(s) or inferences should be made, but the study does not need to be fully complete. Preliminary results and conclusions are acceptable (the standard to present at ASM Microbe is not the same as to publish in a Journal.)
- Abstracts describing biological data on an antimicrobial agent whose chemical structure has not been defined should be submitted to the HMB Track.
- Scientific presentations at ASM Microbe 2025 will be expected to transparently report a study’s scientific rigor to ensure that the study is well-controlled and reproducible. Elements of scientific rigor should include but are not limited to the following: experimental design, data collection and analysis and interpretation and inferences of the results.
Abstract Formatting
Abstract Title
Please use a short and concise title that indicates the content of the abstract. (Please note: The title is not included in the total character count of 2,200).
Abstract Body Text
- Your abstract may have up to 2,200 characters, which does not include title, authors, groups and affiliations.
- Tables and graphics (maximum of 500 characters) are not included in the character count.
- Spaces are not counted. Do not include abstract title, authors or keywords in abstract text.
- Abstract text may be submitted using the following methods: either copy/paste, direct entry keystrokes or file upload.
- Your abstract may be written without the use of the following bolded headers: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Follow the abstract guidelines to ensure all required information about your study is provided in your abstract.
Author Information
Author(s)'s name(s), institution(s), location(s), title(s).
CE Disclosures
Relative to this activity, instructors, planners, content reviewers and managers who affect the content of a CME/CE activity are required to disclose relevant financial relationships they have with commercial interests (i.e., any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients).
For more detailed information and step-by-step instructions on how to submit your abstract for ASM Microbe 2025, please visit the abstract submission site.
For more detailed information and step-by-step instructions on how to submit your abstract for ASM Microbe 2025, please visit the abstract submission site.
Abstract Embargo Policy
All ASM Microbe abstracts will be embargoed until mid-June 2025. Some abstracts will be embargoed to coincide with the times they are presented at the meeting. Embargo times and dates will be clearly marked on all press releases.
Additionally, press releases and other promotional activity by third parties must coincide with the date and time of the presentation.
Additionally, press releases and other promotional activity by third parties must coincide with the date and time of the presentation.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in submitted abstracts. All submitted abstracts identified with plagiarism will be sent to the ASM Ethics Committee for review and handling. Please refer to the ASM Ethics Code of Conduct for details.
Ready to Submit Your Abstract?
Abstract Submission Portal will open Nov. 13.
Technical Support
If you have any questions regarding use of the abstract submission site, please contact technical support at asm@support.ctimeetingtech.com.