Abstracts Frequently Asked Questions

Where is ASM Microbe 2025 being held?

Los Angeles Convention Center 
1201 South Figueroa Street 
Los Angeles, California 90015 

Does the presenting author have to be a member of ASM?
ASM membership is not required to submit or present an abstract. However, membership is required to apply for and receive an ASM Award or Travel Grant.

What is the abstract submission fee?
There is no fee to submit an abstract at this time.

May I submit more than 1 abstract?
Presenting authors may submit up to 3 unique abstracts. Only 1 abstract may be presented each day. If you have 3 abstracts accepted, you will have 1 presentation scheduled over 3 days on Friday, June 20, Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22.

Who can I contact for technical support with the submission site?
For technical support, contact: asm@support.ctimeetingtech.com, 217-398-1792. Support hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CT.

What is an Early Abstract versus a Regular Abstract?

An Early Abstract is a mechanism for abstract submitters who need an early decision for a VISA to submit and be reviewed. Early Abstract submission will open on Wednedsay, Nov. 13 and close on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 12p.m. ET. Accept/Reject decisions will be communicated on/around Dec. 17, 2024. Sessioning assignments for accepted Early Abstracts will be sent on/around March 5, 2025.

Regular Abstract submissions may be submitted beginning on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024, at 12p.m. ET.  The deadline to submit a Regular Abstract is Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 12p.m. ET.   Accept/Reject decisions and sessioning assignments will be sent on/around March 5, 2025. 

If I have more than 1 abstract that is accepted for presentation, how can I guarantee they will not be scheduled at the same time?
For a meeting of this size, it is not possible to consider special scheduling requests. If 2 or more abstracts are scheduled at the same time, you are invited to have a co-author present 1 of the abstracts.

Should the presenting author be the submitter of the abstract?
Yes, ASM considers the submitting author to be the presenting author. Contact information is collected for the submitter and the presenting author. ASM will only correspond with the presenting author of the accepted abstract. This policy ensures that the presenter knows when and where to present the abstract.

Note: If you and a colleague are both submitting an abstract, there is no guarantee that both will be placed into the same session(s), if accepted. Due to the size of the meeting and the number of presentations, we will not accept special scheduling requests for abstract presentations.

Can I add an author or remove an author from my abstract?
Authors can be updated up to the submission deadline. Requests after this date will not be accommodated.

The abstract I submitted has 3 authors from 2 different affiliations, but my online view of the author block of my abstract shows 3 different affiliations. Did I do something wrong?

Yes. If you and your co-authors come from more than 1 affiliation, be sure to type common affiliations in exactly the same manner. Review the author block when displayed to see if the correct numbers of affiliations are displayed.

If I am submitting through ASM’s website, how should I organize the research in my abstract?
Your abstract may be written without the use of the following bolded headers: Background, Materials, Results, Conclusion. However, follow the abstract guidelines to ensure all required information about your study is provided in your abstract.  

If I am submitting through ASM’s website, how can I save a copy of my abstract submission?
We recommend that you prepare and save a copy of your abstract in your personal electronic files before going to ASM’s web page. After your submission is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.

What is the Embargo Policy?

All ASM Microbe abstracts will be embargoed until May 13, 2025. Late-breaking abstracts will be embargoed to coincide with the times they are presented at the meeting. Embargo times and dates will be clearly marked on all press releases. 

Additionally, press releases and other promotional activity by third parties must coincide with the date and time of the presentation. 

When asking for outside comments on press releases or news stories before the embargo has lifted, journalists are requested to ensure that the embargo is respected. ASM reserves the right to ban any journalist from the meeting who breaks the embargo or breaches the media policy in any other way. 

If your research has already been published, please contact the ASM communications office to discuss how to handle promoting your abstract at communications@asmusa.org

Is there a limit on how long my abstract can be?
Yes. Your abstract may have a maximum limit of 2,200 characters, which does not include tables/graphics or spaces. Title, authors, groups and institutions do not count toward the character count maximum. 
A Times New Roman Font is recommended. Avoid use of fonts specific to the software application you use. This is particularly true for symbols, as some character sets do not translate well, resulting in lost information. 
Note: An additional entry line has been added to the electronic submission to accommodate credits, footnotes, etc.; a character limit of 300 is applied to this field but does not count toward the character count of the abstract body.

How do I apply for a travel award?
NEW! The 2025 ASM Microbe Travel Award application process is separate from abstract submissions. Applicants will submit an abstract as part of the Travel Award selection criteria. If an applicant is selected for a Travel Award, the abstract will automatically be accepted for presentation at ASM Microbe 2025 and added to the abstract management platform.

Travel Award applications will be open from Monday, Nov. 4, through Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024 until 11:59 p.m. ET. Applicants will be notified if they are selected to receive an award by Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024. 

Applicants who are not selected to receive a Travel Award but are still interested in presenting at ASM Microbe 2025 may submit a Regular Abstract through the submission portal.

How do I know that my abstract submission was received?
The Abstract Submission system will provide a control number as soon as you complete the affirmations and provide a title for your abstract. As you complete individual steps in the process, the system will display the results. At the end of the process, a final summary page will be immediately displayed with all information successfully received. You may edit your abstract until the submission deadline of Jan. 22, 2025, 12 p.m. ET. No further changes can be made after submission closes. Your abstract must show as complete or finalized when submission closes in order to move to the review stage. Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.

The summary page states that my abstract is Complete. Does this mean that my abstract has been accepted?
No. If your abstract is "Complete," it means you have completed all the steps required to be reviewed. Abstracts are assigned to the reviewers in January. Disposition letters will be e-mailed to submitters  
on/about March 5, 2025.

If my abstract is rejected, can I address the reviewer’s concerns and ask for a new review?
No. Programming decisions are final.

Do I need to register for ASM Microbe 2025 in order to present my abstract?
Yes, all abstract presenters must register for the meeting no later than Tuesday, April 1. Failure to register by 11:59 p.m. ET April 1, 2025, will result in the withdrawal of your abstract from the scientific program.


I cannot attend in person, am I able to select a virtual presentation?
No, all presentations are expected to be made in person.  In-person attendance is required.


What is the deadline for withdrawal without penalty?
To withdraw your abstract without incurring a penalty, you must do so by April 1, 2025. You can withdraw your abstract by sending an email to asmmicrobemtgprogram@asmusas.org, referencing the control number of the abstract you wish to withdraw.

If my abstract has been previously presented at a meeting/conference, will my abstract still be accepted for ASM Microbe 2025?
Encore abstracts are not permitted, however, ASM will consider "adapted" or "repurposed" submissions that overlap with the original abstract but contain new/additional data, analyses and/or interpretations. It is the responsibility of the author to verify copyright with the organizer of the meeting where the original abstract was presented.


What are some examples of abstracts that may be rejected?
  • Abstracts that are general descriptions of a new product.
  • Abstracts that read like advertisements.
  • Abstracts that are a general description of managerial innovation.
  • Case reports (unless truly remarkable).


When can I access the poster hall to set up or take down my poster?
This information will be provided closer to the date of the conference.   


What is the plagiarism policy?

Plagiarism will not be tolerated in submitted abstracts. All submitted abstracts identified with plagiarism will be sent to the program committee for review and handling.   

The NIH ORI publication Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing.



Where can I find the meeting schedule?

The full online scientific program and itinerary planner is available. 



I lost my invitation; where do I find information about my abstract and my presentation schedule?

All information related to your abstract submission is available in your speaker portal within the Tasks tab.  



What is the copyright policy?

Please refer to the ASM Copyright Policy to learn more.