PowerPoint Contents
Author: Multiple Authors
Citation: Multiple Authors. 2014. Lipid agar.
Publication Date: June 2014
Slide 2: Lipid Agar Uninoculated Lipid Agar: Contains tributyrin as the substrate. If an organism can produce the exoenzyme lipase it will be able to digest/hydrolyze the triglycerides/lipids in the tributyrin resulting in a clear zone around the growing colonies. (Tasha Sturm, Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA)
Slide 3: Lipid Agar Lipid Agar inoculated with (A) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, lipid hydrolysis indicated by a zone of clearing around the growing colony, as well as a slight green diffusable pigment pyocyanin, (B) E. coli, no lipid hydrolysis. (C) Serratia marcescens, lipid hydrolysis indicated by a zone of clearing around the growing colony, as well as the red colony pigment prodigiosin. Note: pigment production is a characteristic of the organism and not influenced by the lipid media. (Tasha Sturm, Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA)
Slide 4: Lipid Agar (Labeled view) (Tasha Sturm, Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA)
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