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FIG. 1a. Illustrating 10-fold dilution. Too many to count (TMTC) on the left plate; FIG. 1a. 36 plaques on the right plate. Virus: fX174; Host: Escherichia coli B. (Charly Hudson, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)FIG. 1b. Illustrating 10-fold dilution. Too many to count (TMTC) on the left plate; FIG. 1b.  Plaques are approximately 5 mm in diameter. Virus: fX174; Host: Escherichia coli B. (Charly Hudson, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 2a. Plate was inoculated with a high concentration of phage stock, and has confluent lysis, with overgrowth of resistant host cells. (Grisel Quiroz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 2b. Plate was inoculated with a 10-4 dilution of phage, resulting in 55 visible plaques, with approximate diameters of 8 mm. Virus: T4r; Host: Escherichia coli B. (Grisel Quiroz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 3. Nearly confluent lysis; approximately 5 X 103 pfu plated. Virus: T4r; Host: Escherichia coli B. (Grisel Quiroz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 4. Too many (plaques) to accurately count (TMTC) plate with approximately 2 X 104 plaques. Virus: T4rII AP129. Host: Escherichia coli B. (D. Sue Katz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 5a is the same plate as FIG. 4. Approximately 2 X 104 plaques visible when plated on Escherichia coli B, a permissive host for T4rII viruses. (Charly Hudson and Grisel Quiroz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 5b contains an equal number for plaque-forming units (pfu), plated on E. coli K12(l), a restrictive host. (Charly Hudson and Grisel Quiroz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
FIG. 6. Detail of FIG. 4. Too many (plaques) to accurately count (TMTC) plate with approximately 2 X 104 plaques. Virus: T4rII AP129. Host: Escherichia coli B. (D. Sue Katz, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK)
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