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Author: Jackie Reynolds​

Citation: Jackie Reynolds. 2005. Serial dilution.​

Publication Date: September 2005​

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​FIG. 1. Three pour plates from serial dilutions. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX) ​

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​FIG. 2. Countable plate, 190 colonies (reduced oxygen affects pigmentation). (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX)

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FIG. 3. <300 colonies or too many to count. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX) ​

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FIG. 4. Too many to count. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX)

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FIG. 5. Quebec counter (with lamp and magnifying glass) to facilitate enumeration of plate counts. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX)​

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FIG. 6. Too many to count, set up on Quebec counter. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX)​

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FIG. 7. Close-up of surface and inside colonies using Quebec counter. (Jackie Reynolds, Richland College, Dallas, TX)​

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