Episode Summary


It is estimated that anywhere from 575,000 to 677,000 bloodstream infections occur annually in North America, with approximately 40,000 of those directly linked to patient mortality in the United States, making bloodstream infections the 11th most common cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The detection of bloodstream infections and subsequent identification of the etiologic agent or agents is an essential role played by all clinical microbiology laboratories, day-in and day-out for routine patient care. So, today, we dive into a recently published study in JCM, looking at organism-specific bloodstream infection prevalence rates and their individual mortality risks relative to patients with either negative blood cultures and in those for whom blood cultures were not ordered.


  • Dr. Nick Daneman - senior author on the manuscript, is a Clinical Scientist in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre at the University of Toronto, and an Adjunct Physician at Public Health Ontario.
  • Dr. Kevin Brown is a Scientist at Public Health Ontario and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.

This episode of Editors in Conversation is brought to you by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and hosted by JCM Editor in Chief, Alex McAdam and Dr. Elli Theel. JCM is available at jcm.asm.org and at twitter.com/JClinMicro.


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