TWiM reveals that breast milk bioactives are essential for development of the infant microbiome and immunity, and how capsule mutants of Klebsiella pneumoniae can affect bacterial pathogenesis.
Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Michael Schmidt, Michele Swanson, Petra Levin,
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Links for this episode
- Diet-microbe-host interaction in early life (Science)
- Human Milk: An Ideal Food (Front Ped)
- Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (Ann NY Acad Sci)
- Gut microbiome in early childhood (Nature)
- Probiotics Infloran and Labinic
- Cell envelope defects of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Mol Micro)
- A cautionary tale (Mol Micro)
- Global mortality associated with bacterial pathogens (Lancet)
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