- Stanley Perlman answers CoV questions (Boston Globe) 2:05:03
- Fist bump (Am J Infect Control) 1:36:25
- Joint WHO-China report (pdf) 8:26
- Second coronavirus (LA Times) 13:35
- Response to second coronavirus (virological.org) 13:44
- COVID-19 animal models (STAT) 19:00
- Clinical predictors of COVID-19 mortality (Inten Care Med) 20:56
- CoV by the numbers (NY Times) 10:55, 22:05
- Contamination of bar soaps (Microbios) 32:24
- SARS-CoV-2 vaccine timeline (NPR) 1:25:10
- How new vaccines are developed (GSK) 1:24:32
- SARS among critical care nurses (Emerg Inf Dis) 1:56:34
- How churches prevent SARS-CoV-2 spread (NPR) 2:01:05
- Image credit
- Letters read on TWiV 590 31:25
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
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