TWiV notes the passing of Mavis Agbandje-McKenna, and reviews data on maximizing fit for cloth and medical procedure masks, SARS-CoV-2 total and subgenomic viral load in hospitalized patients, and effect of changes in spike protein on efficacy in a mouse model of infection.
Links for This Episode
- Mavis Agbandje-McKenna dies (UF) 1:15.
- Mavis on TWiV 448 1:30.
- Maximizing mask fit (MMWR) 6:37.
- Genomic and subgenomic RNA in COVID-19 patients (medRxiv) 22:43.
- Effect of spike changes on protection of mice (mBio) 47:11.
- Letters read on TWiV 728 1:07:40.
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
Weekly Science Picks 1:53:57
Dickson – Wild animal photos.
Brianne – Greater than COVID.
Alan – WHO report on infodemic response.
Rich – Reference Guide to the International Space Station.
Vincent – 3D Molecular Designs.
Listener Picks
Lisbeth – Have the new jab.
Karen – Cholera exhibit at Museum of Trades and Crafts.
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Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees.