Vincent visits Ohio State University (March 2020) and speaks with Shan-Lu, David, Amanda, Mark, Matt, Chris, and Qiuhong about their careers and their work on retroviruses, hepatitis C virus, coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and environmental viruses.
Shan-Lu Liu, David Bisaro, Amanda Panfill, Mark Peeples, Matt Sullivan, Chris Walker, Qiuhong Wang.
Links for This Episode
- New virus requires international control (Nature) 26:00.
- TIM-family proteins inhibit HIV-1 release (PNAS) 35:50.
- Designing a HCV vaccine (Curr Op Virol) 42:58.
- Attenuated vaccines for RSV in children (J Inf Dis) 57:25.
- Plant histone reader suppresses geminivirus infection (J Virol) 1:04:55.
- HTLV-associated malignancy (Curr Op Virol) 1:11:54.
- Coronaviruses in pigs (Curr Op Virol) 1:21:36.
- Marine DNA viral diversity pole to pole (Cell) 1:35:30.
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
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Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees.