The TWiVers review phase 3 efficacy and safety results for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, effects on the neonatal immune system caused by maternal infection with SARS-CoV-2, and NHC, the metabolite of molnupiravir, causes mutations in cellular DNA.
Links for This Episode
- Efficacy and safety of Novavax vaccine (medRxiv) 3:28.
- A floret of spikes with Matt Frieman (TWiV 729) 5:30.
- Maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection affects neonatal immunity (Nat Immunol) 21:01.
- NHC is mutagenic in mammalian cells (J Inf Dis) 47:50.
- Coding for catastrophe (Nat Struct Mol Biol).
- Molnupiravir development (Nature).
- Letters read on TWiV 818 1:06:13.
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
Weekly Science Picks 1:30:36
Dickson – John Clease.
Brianne – Astronomy Picture of the Day: Swirl in the Southern Sky.
Kathy – Statue of Lise Meitner is at the Humboldt University.
Rich – Google has the cleanest cloud. Now it's helping other companies go green.
Vincent – Discovery of reverse transcriptase by Baltimore and Temin.
Listener Picks
Sam – Air Travel Packing List.
Justin – PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and EPA targets greenhouse emissions.
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Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees.