ASM Responds to Member Questions About Executive Orders

Feb. 3, 2025

Dear ASM Members and Community,

We have received many questions in the last week about some of the content on our website being under review. Let us be clear from the start: "under review" never meant removal, despite understandable concerns to the contrary. Most of our modified pages are back up or in the process of being restored. ASM has not retracted or altered any research articles, scientific papers or peer reviewed articles on our website.

We sincerely appreciate everyone who reached out to us directly. While we will respond to each of you individually, we also want to share this message publicly to ensure we reach all of you as quickly as possible. We understand that some of you were concerned, assuming the worst-case scenario. We recognized your concerns—however they were expressed—as a testament to your dedication and engagement, and to how much professional scientific societies are needed in this environment. We are here, and we will always be here for our members, and for the scientific community at large. We are standing firm and deepening our commitment to our mission, not running away from it.

Like you, ASM is very concerned by the current landscape and the attacks on science. As we navigate these challenges, ASM remains steadfast in its mission to advance microbial sciences for the benefit of all. We are committed to maximizing our impact with our long-lasting commitment to access and accountability to make progress and impact. This has always been our goal—and it always will be.

The intent was never to permanently remove any content from our website. Over the past few days, we went through a legal review process to ensure that ASM is in compliance with its legal obligations under the recently-issued Executive Orders. Like many of our members, ASM receives federal funding for many of our programs. As stewards of our organization, we must comply with applicable legal obligations to ensure that we can continue the important work we do. Any action we are taking is to avoid unnecessary and costly legal challenges that may take away from our mission and values to which, of course, we remain fully committed.

ASM continues to track science policy developments at federal agencies and in Congress, as well as advocate for evidence-based science and access for everyone. We will keep our members apprised of and engaged in the work we are doing on emerging and important issues.  We have encouraged our members to contact their congressional representatives to raise their concerns over the recent EOs through ASM’s advocacy center. For action alerts and updates on the public policy landscape, please join ASM’s Advocacy Network.

Please know that ASM plans to increase its activity in all these areas and will keep you informed.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate this unchartered territory. We are committed to listening to your concerns, maintaining transparency and engaging in constructive dialogue as we navigate these shifts.


Theresa M. Koehler, Ph.D., President
American Society for Microbiology

Stefano Bertuzzi, Ph.D., MPH, CEO
American Society for Microbiology