Our Work

Every year as part of ASM Microbe, our annual meeting, ASM organizes numerous public engagement activities. These events provide attendees with opportunities to participate in public-facing interactions that bring science outside of the meeting confines. Members of the local community in which ASM Microbe takes place get the chance to meet with scientists and discuss their interests, concerns and questions.

ASM Microbe 2023

This year's meeting featured a number of public events:

Day of Science

The "Day of Science" was a fun, free science festival that welcomed more than 2,000 attendees to Lott Hall in Hermann Park on June 17.

Day of Science was graciously sponsored in part by the following organizations:


Hardy Diagnostics


Science festival volunteer holding test tubes.

ASM volunteers help bring science to the community.

Day of Science was organized by a volunteer team lead by:

  • Michael Cone, Rice University.
  • Alex Kang, Rice University.
  • Tasha Sturm, Cabrillo College.

Micro Bazaar

ASM teamed with Taste of Science Houston for this immersive experience, where we explored the most up-to-date research and applications for food microbiology technology. The event took place at Saint Arnold Brewing Company on June 14.


Taste of Science-Houston logo + ASM logo

ASM and Taste of Science-Houston partnered to put on this interactive experience.

MicroArt on Display

ASM partnered with our Student Chapter at the Texas Medical Center to present the winners from the ASM-TMC's 2023 MicroArt Contest, along with select participants from previous ASM Agar Art Contests. The event took place on June 18 at MATCH- Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston.

Co-sponsored by the ASM-TMC chapter and the Texas Branch of the American Society for Microbiology.

MicroArt Contest Flyer