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Publishing with ASM means making your mark on the world—fast.
- High Impact for Your Research — ASM Journals are known for their prestige and quality of research. We publish 14% of all articles in the microbial sciences and contribute 25% of all citations in the field.
- Global Reach with Open Access (OA) — In 2020, 56% of all ASM Journals content published in either an OA journal or published online OA in a core title. ASM open access options mean readers have more opportunity than ever before to stay current on the latest research. It’s why, of the papers published in ASM journals, 97% are cited within 2 years of publication.
- Research Published Fast — Our streamlined submission process boasts format-neutral submissions and our dedicated editorial leadership offers rapid decisions on quality peer review. Average turnaround times:
- 31 days to first decision.
- 90 days from submission to publication.
- 18 days from final decision to publication.