Links for this episode
- Roland’s first paper (Anesthesiol) 11:28
- Purification of phiX174 (Virology) 11:49
- Studies on viral structure (Virology) 14:46
- Automated gel fractionator (Anal Bioch) 23:41
- Picornaviral gene order (J Virol) 26:56
- Picornavirus protease discovery (J Virol) 29:05
- Poliovirus processing map (J Virol) 30:54
- Nomenclature of picornavirus proteins (J Virol) 31:55
- Black beetle virus (J Virol) 35:17
- Rhinovirus crystallization (PNAS) 40:51
- Mapping mAb binding sites (J Virol) 54:35
- Replication of animal virus in yeast (PNAS) 58:03
- Roland’s last paper (J Virol) 58:30
- Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks!
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Intro music is by Ronald Jenkees.
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